The current status of this project

Okay, I have to be honest. I've started this project already 2 years ago. You probably know how this goes... An interesting project... Things start working... Other thing in life start requiring time... Project goes to the fridge... And you're 2 years older before you know it!

But now is the time to get the project out of the fridge again! The positive thing about the delay is that the Raspberry Pi is already controlling my doorbell for 2 years without any issues. So I know my electrical layout is working, and the (25 lines of ;-) source code are stable.

But wait, what then is exactly working? Good question! Basically my doorbell functions as any other doorbell, except for the fact that when the doorbell button is pushed, the signal actually goes to some IO-ports on the Raspberry Pi. The PiBell software on the Raspberry Pi receives an event, and it activates a relay switch that triggers my actual bell.

So I still have to write software for sending and receiving messages between Android and the Raspberry Pi to make the doorbell 'smart'. And I still have to write down (also for myself) how the current status is actually functioning. So, the next few posts will be about what I currently have running in my meter cupboard (is that actually an English term or is the literal translation of the Dutch word meterkast?)

Tomorrow I'll publish a picture of my meter cupboard. And I just created a GitHub repository where you can find the source code for the project.


  1. Hoi Jos, heb je ook nog een schema om zo'n bel te bouwen? Ik ben nl wel geinteresseerd. Groet, Sidney


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